Our different varieties

We have a wide range! Do not hesitate to ask us for advice.

With us, you will find a variety of apple varieties that matches to every taste. At the moment we have more than 30 different varieties of apples in our range. It is very important to us that we always supply the best quality apples. Our 7 partners are always on site and carry out regular quality checks. Our plants grow all over the world because they are well adapted to different climatic conditions.

Golden Delicious, Clone B‘ LB®

Origin: Mutation of Clone B
Variety Owner: Laimburg Research Center
Description: The Golden Delicious with an attractive yellow color. Ideal for hilly environments.

Golden Reinders® C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Golden Delicious
Variety Owner: Reinders M.H.
Description: The Golden not subject to russeting – ideal for valley floors.

Golden Parsi da rosa® – only on order

Origin: Mutation of Golden Clone B
Variety owner: KIKU GmbH
Description: The Golden Delicious less prone to russeting with pronounced red blush.

Granny Smith

Origin: Chance seedling from Australia
Description: The classic green apple of ancient origin but still in fashion.

Gala DarkBaron®

Origin: Mutation of Gala Standard
Variety Owner: Griba Vivai, coop. Soc. agr.
Description: The uniformly red Gala, more intensely colored and stable. Ideal for valley floors and plains.

Gala RedLum®

Origin: Mutation of Gala Standard
Variety Owner: Griba Vivai, coop. Soc. agr.
Description: The bright red Gala with beautiful striping, ideal for hilly areas.

Galaval C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Gala Galaxy, France
Variety Owner: Dalival / IFO
Description: The intensely red Gala, partially striped, suitable for all areas.

Buckeye® Simmons C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Gala, USA
Variety Owner: CADAMON
Description: The bright red, striped Gala, ideal for all areas.

Gala Schniga® SchniCo red(s)

Origin: Italy
Variety Owner: Schniga GmbH
Description: Intense dark red Gala with a uniform overcolor. Ideal for valley floors and plains.

Devil Gala P.B.R.

Origin: Mutation of Gala, Italy
Variety Owner: Tree nursery F.lli Zanzi
Description: Uniform dark red, very intense coloration. Ideal for valley floors and plains.

Gala Vill®

Origin: Mutation of Gala Standard
Variety owner: Griba Vivai, coop. Soc. agr.
Description: Blushed brilliant red with 100% of fruit coverage

Roat® KING Red Delicious

Origin: Mutation of Hapke
Variety Owner: Tree nursery Braun, Italy
Description: Fully colored, washed-out Red Delicious with an intense, bright dark red overcolor.

Red Velox® Stark GR 2018

Origin: Mutation of Red Delicious standard
Variety Owner: Griba Vivai coop. Soc. agr.
Description: Elongated with the typical taste of Stark Delicious. Intense dark red.

Red Delicious Jeromine C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Early Red One® Erovan
Variety Owner: Dalival / IFO
Description: Deep red, shiny


Origin: Clone of Fuji
Variety Owner: Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti (CIV)
Description: The suitable red Fuji for valley areas.

FUJI Kiku® Fubrax C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Fuji Kiku® 8
Variety Owner: Kiku GmbH
Description: The ruby-red striped Fuji for hilly and mountainous areas.


Origin: Mutation of Fuji, New Zealand
Variety Owner: Dalival /IFO
Description: The Fuji with a uniform red color, ideal for valleys and hills.


Origin: Clone of Fuji
Variety Owner: Consorzio italiano vivaisti (CIV)
Description: Bright red color with slight striping.

Braeburn Aporo® Mariri Red C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Braeburn
Variety Owner: M. Easten/ Davodeau-Ligonniére
Description: The Braeburn with a dark red, semi-striped color.

Wilton’s® Star Red Jonaprince Select

Origin: Mutation of Red Jonaprince®
Variety Owner: Red Jonaprince
Description: Apple with very high coloration, intense dark red.

Rubelit C.O.V.

Origin: Topaz x UEB 2732/2
Variety Owner: KSB
Description: The attractive red-striped apple, resistant to scab.


Origin: Golden Delicious x Cox’s Orange Pippin x Duchess of Oldenburg
Variety Owner: Free State of Saxony
Description: The yellow-red shaded apple – crisp and juicy

Red Idared C.O.V.

Origin: Mutation of Idared
Variety Owner: Dalival / IFO
Description: The intensely red, sweet and sour apple.

Nicoter KANZI®

Description: Nicoter KANZI® is a natural cross between Gala and Braeburn. This variety remains very crunchy for a longer time and is grown in eleven countries around the world.
Breeder: Better3fruit
Variety Owner: efc

Griba has the production rights for the Nicoter C.O.V. variety (TM: Kanzi®) in Italy

All info at: kanziapple.com


Description: Slightly tart, aromatic, juicy, and crunchy. These are the characteristics of the Bonita apple. The cross between Topaz and Cripps Pink has a bright red color. Particularly appreciated in organic farming.

Breeder: Ústav Experimentalni BOTANIKY AV CR
Variety Owner: KSB

Griba has the right to produce the Bonita variety.

UEB6581-Dolce Vita

Description: The UEB6581 encompasses all shades of red. The apple is medium-sized with a high brix level and uniform red color. Breeder: Ústav Experimentalni BOTANIKY AV CR
Variety Owner: KSB

Griba has the production rights for the UEB6581 variety.


Varieties: Kordia, Regina, Ferrovia

Own cultivation and in collaboration with partners and licensed nurseries.


Varieties: Williams BC, Max Red Bartlett, Decana Del Comizio, Kaiser Alexander, Santa Maria, Conference, Abate

Own cultivation and in collaboration with partners and licensed nurseries.


Own cultivation and in collaboration with partners and licensed nurseries.


Own cultivation and in collaboration with partners and licensed nurseries.

Pollinator Plants available: Varieties: Prof. Sprenger and Evereste.

For better pollination.

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